After students have created their glucunculus and read about how the tissues in the body utilize glucose in different amounts, students should start wondering how our glucose levels change throughout the day through eating, exercise, sleeping, etc. Start this lesson by telling them that the glucunculus they created was from a person at rest. How might those drawings change if the person was exercising? These series of readings can be jigsawed and do not need to be completed on the CT-Stem platform, but the guiding questions are provided here as a means to start discussions, assess student understanding and probe student thinking. These readings could also be completed as homework/outside of class if you are limited on time. The readings provide the background knowledge on homeostasis, and they have been adapted from Project Neuron, BSCS Biology: A Human Approach and the Health and Science Pipeline Initiative.
Underlying Pages
0. Student Directions -
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1. Maintaining Homeostasis -
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2. Do Blood Glucose Levels Follow Homeostatic Rules? -
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3. Is the body able to keep blood glucose levels at homeostasis? -
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4. Predicting how blood glucose is affected by exercise -
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5. How does exercise affect blood glucose levels? -
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6. Are blood glucose levels maintained through homeostasis? -
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Next Generation Science Standards
- Life Science
- NGSS Crosscutting Concept
- NGSS Practice
Computational Thinking in STEM
- Data Practices
- Modeling and Simulation Practices
- Systems Thinking Practices
Significant portions of this lesson are modified from materials that were created by Project Neuron, Project READi, BSCS: A Human Approach and the Health and Sciences Pipeline Initiative.